Three Easy Ways to Become a Millionaire TTT formula.
Three Easy Ways to Become a Millionaire TTT formula.
How do you know which business will succeed and which will fail?
This question may be very important to someone, but for Ryan Holmes of Canada, this question is not a rocket science that is difficult to detect.
Ryan Holmes is an investor and founder of Hot Suits, a social networking account management website.
They say that to become a successful entrepreneur you do not need a special degree but you need only a prescription from which you can find out if it is worthwhile to invest in a project or business. Will or will not That's pretty easy to figure out by Holmes.
They give a triple T (TTT) formula for this.
Number one is talent
You will find good business ideas everywhere but the talented people who follow these ideas are one in a million.
"Before evaluating any business, I look at its boss and team. It's important for me to know if they're serious about the business," Holmes writes in his blog.
Because the biggest challenge in business is to take the money from zero to billions and in order to be successful, it is necessary to give full time to the business and also have a different way of working.
He says big business seeks solutions to all problems, not pays others. A good businessman does not rest until he has solved the problem.
Any company owner needs enthusiastic and tough people.
Number two technology
"Think about technology first," says Hose, and it becomes more important when your business idea is connected to technology.
He says the best way is to get a person fully engaged in technology-related work so that problems related to it can be solved quickly. Second, look at other things in the business.
Number three is Transfermation.
Do you have investors or customers? How Much Money Have You Made? Homes says it's great if Gap has clients or investors.
He says there should be a better plan to get investors' attention so that ideas can reach them. To be successful in business, you need to create software that will make your product go viral or focus on advertising.
Holmes says the Triple T formula is not a guarantee of success. Many times businesses fail despite the right technique and a good team.
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Be a billionaire |
How do you know which business will succeed and which will fail?
This question may be very important to someone, but for Ryan Holmes of Canada, this question is not a rocket science that is difficult to detect.
Rayan holmes |
Ryan Holmes is an investor and founder of Hot Suits, a social networking account management website.
They say that to become a successful entrepreneur you do not need a special degree but you need only a prescription from which you can find out if it is worthwhile to invest in a project or business. Will or will not That's pretty easy to figure out by Holmes.
They give a triple T (TTT) formula for this.
Number one is talent
You will find good business ideas everywhere but the talented people who follow these ideas are one in a million.
"Before evaluating any business, I look at its boss and team. It's important for me to know if they're serious about the business," Holmes writes in his blog.
Because the biggest challenge in business is to take the money from zero to billions and in order to be successful, it is necessary to give full time to the business and also have a different way of working.
He says big business seeks solutions to all problems, not pays others. A good businessman does not rest until he has solved the problem.
Any company owner needs enthusiastic and tough people.
Number two technology
"Think about technology first," says Hose, and it becomes more important when your business idea is connected to technology.
He says the best way is to get a person fully engaged in technology-related work so that problems related to it can be solved quickly. Second, look at other things in the business.
Number three is Transfermation.
Do you have investors or customers? How Much Money Have You Made? Homes says it's great if Gap has clients or investors.
He says there should be a better plan to get investors' attention so that ideas can reach them. To be successful in business, you need to create software that will make your product go viral or focus on advertising.
Holmes says the Triple T formula is not a guarantee of success. Many times businesses fail despite the right technique and a good team.
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