how to start a business

Learn how to start a business

how to start bussiness
how to start business

In the face of workplace setbacks or tired of work, many people will have the idea of ​​becoming a boss. Being able to be your own boss and unfettered planning are the ideal career plans for many young people recently. According to the Human Resources Bank survey, up to 90% of young workers have entrepreneurial dreams. It is easy to have an entrepreneurial dream, but how to start a business is better. It is a topic that entrepreneurs need to learn. Don't want to cover up the dream of entrepreneurship because of fear of entrepreneurial failure? Below we help you want to break out of the sky, sorted out the details that successful entrepreneurs must pay attention to, and how to establish the direction of entrepreneurship, to help you in your entrepreneurial path.
What is entrepreneurship? 4 elements you must have for a successful business

Entrepreneurship is defined as insight into opportunities, and by creating effective business models, creating new businesses or achieving success in the business field. To put it simply, you can find opportunities for innovation in the fields you are familiar with, and with this opportunity to innovate, develop innovative models or provide products and services. After understanding the definition of entrepreneurship, then you should understand the four elements necessary for entrepreneurial success:

1 Talent
 Talent is the most important of all factors. A good entrepreneur must know how to find suitable talents for his own company in order to make the business sustainable.

Talents are not just limited to recruiting people on the human bank. Many of the partners behind successful entrepreneurs are like-minded classmates when they are studying, and many of them are friends who met in the workplace after going out of society. It can be seen from this that no matter the contacts and resources you know in school or work, you may become an irreplaceable talent when you start a business, so successful entrepreneurs must also understand human communication.

2 Technology
 As mentioned earlier, most entrepreneurs have insights into entrepreneurial opportunities in their familiar fields. The reason is that entrepreneurs need to integrate the technologies you know into the industry, so that they can innovate in the industry. Technology plays an important role in determining the height of the enterprise in the process of entrepreneurship. How to combine technology with industry, the originality of technology or the degree of difficulty in imitating, can determine the height of entrepreneurs ’success.

3 Market
 The market is the element that determines whether the enterprise you create has value left, the market has demand, and you can meet the demand, so that the enterprise can have the value of existence. In other words, if the products or services provided by your company are not needed by the market, they will naturally be eliminated, so it is an indispensable effort to observe the market needs before starting a business.
            Capital is the foundation in the process of starting a business. Founding a company, hiring manpower, renting an office, etc. all require the help of capital. Compared with the other three elements, capital is nothing but the lack of capital or lack of capital. No matter how good the technology is, it is just empty talk.

Self-employment assessment, find the right people to help you succeed

After understanding the above four elements of entrepreneurship, you can use a simple form to do self-employment assessment and check what assistance you need when starting your own business.

Simple self-employment assessment

When doing self-employment assessment, it is recommended that you can list the entrepreneurial needs according to the 4 elements, check what you already have, and find the last piece of the puzzle for successful entrepreneurship.
Take an innovative online food delivery service as an example)

4 elements I need to succeed in starting a business
Talent Network Strategy Planning √
Cooperation project personnel X 
need business personnel
Online Advertising Marketing X
 Need Advertising Marketing
Technology Application Setup X
 requires engineers to develop
Application maintenance X 
requires engineer maintenance
Market Is there any demand in the market today √
Capital Accountant X
 Need Accountant
Administrative staff X 
Need administrative staff
Company base (office) X 
Office space required

Through the evaluation of the form, we can clearly know what we want to start a business, and also make it easier for us to grasp the talent gap, find the right talents in the right position, and make the business easier to succeed.
How to determine the direction of entrepreneurship: Behind successful entrepreneurship is countless attempts and perseverance

Many people will feel that entrepreneurship can have many directions, and assessing what talents are needed is only the second. How to determine the right direction of entrepreneurship is the biggest headache. Some people are afraid to start the entrepreneurial dream because of fear of the wrong direction. In fact, many bright and bright entrepreneurs, behind their success, have gone through many attempts to make the company more and more clear. Opportunities for successful entrepreneurship once can be met. Most entrepreneurs have a lot of perseverance. They are not afraid to try new things, but they are also willing to grow through repeated attempts to find their own way.
Dyson (Dyson) founder James. This is the case with James Dyson. Before he successfully designed a bagless vacuum cleaner, he experienced 5126 attempts. After 5,000 imperfect improvements, he successfully innovated a bagless vacuum cleaner. What made him successful was not his brilliant strategy or brain, but his perseverance to try and his determination to improve the vacuum cleaner. With this perseverance, every three British families have been created, and one of them is the success of using Dyson vacuum cleaners, and also established the height of Dyson enterprises in electrical appliances.

3indicators for the health check of your entrepreneurial direction
Although perseverance and courage to try are stepping stones to make entrepreneurship a success, but you do n’t want to take too many wrong paths, we suggest that you can first measure your products or services from the following three indicators to check the health of your entrepreneurial direction At the same time, it also caught the market demand.

1 Functionality:
Whether it is a product or a service, the most basic one must be able to meet the needs of the market, and a product or service that can truly solve consumer problems is what the market needs.

2 Practicality:
Another point worth noting is that the products you launch must be easy to use. After all, the market will seek your assistance, hoping that you can make the complicated and inconvenient status quo simple and easy, rather than more troublesome, otherwise no matter how good the concept or function will be greatly reduced.

3 Attraction:
The last point is about the service or product launched, whether there are factors that must attract the market to choose you. For example, the uniqueness of the product or the irreplaceability of the service can increase the attractiveness of the company for the market.
How hard is it to start your own business? Macus is a good partner for your entrepreneurship
 After finishing the entrepreneurial assessment, did you find that you lacked much? After measuring the direction of entrepreneurship, still confused? Don't rush to dispel your entrepreneurial dreams first, everything is difficult to start, the road to entrepreneurship will always feel lonely and helpless, professionals are difficult to find, it is also difficult to have an office With the empty office space, the monthly rent is also tens of thousands of yuan. These problems and costs are not a small burden for start-up entrepreneurs. At this time, what you need is Macus's one-stop service (ONE-STOP SERVICE).
Macus is the nation's first business center founded by a team of accountants to provide one-stop services and integrate the resources needed by entrepreneurs. Through the one-stop service, you can easily find counseling services for accounting, book writing, banking, administration, and even government subsidized resources. You do n’t have to run around to seek help like in the past. Macus can help you in one step. Macus also provides business office services, so that you no longer have to worry about no office space. There is Macus to accompany you on the road of dream building. Successful entrepreneurship is no longer lonely.
Book a free startup diagnosis online today and take the first step in entrepreneurship with Changingspot today.


4 Method to start successfull business
